
Why does my lovebird constantly regurgitate on her favorite toy and then eat what she regurgitated?

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She is about 18 months old but just started doing this a few months ago. She does it on her favorite toy only. Should I take this toy away?




  1. lol she is telling the toy how much she looooves it lol i wouldnt take it away though u might want to clean it with warm water every so often   check out for good info

  2. This is a sign of affection and unless you have had it sexed she/he may also hump it in the future. It is their serogate lover. Don't take it away, but do wash it with some type of bird safe cleaner.

  3. No, Don't take it away. She is doing that because it's her showing affection. Sometimes, birds will even do that to people!

  4. She is in love with it. Chose this toy as her mate. Unless she starts getting mean with you or laying non stop eggs let her keep it. My Parrot does this to me! Nothing like regurgitated food to start the morning off right-lol. Good luck

  5. Birds regurgitate to feed other members of the flock.  So, in some sense, the bird thinks the toy is a member of the flock, so she wants to share some food with the toy (what a nice little lovebird).  I would not worry about it, this is quite natural.  My parrot does the same thing, but around people she likes.

  6. is she retarted?

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