
Why does my mini dvd disc freeze / won't play on dvd player?

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The Players: Mini DVD disc: Memorex -RW, DVD player: Panasonic DVD S53, Panasonic MINI DVD CAM VDR-D50.

The disc will start to play in my home dvd player, but then it starts to 'sputter'. I tried messing with my dvd player speed, but no luck. The dvd player says it will play both DVD-RW and DVD+RW. The whole reason why I bought a miniDVD player was to just record, pop it out, and watch it on my TV. This is defeating the whole purpose!




  1. DVD camcorders are great in theory but c**p in practice!

    Has the DVD been finalised? - it needs to be  

    Will it play on your PC?   - unlikely, but there may be a compatibility problem

    Did you have the option to format in in VR or VF mode, and did you select VR?  - it should have been VF, almost nothing can play a DVD-VR.

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