
Why does my modem not work properly?

by  |  earlier

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I need help! The modem and the xbox are close together but not connected. I can not use my internet when the xbox is on??? The cable light on the modem just flashes but as soon as you turn off the xbox the modem works properly. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this problem?




  1. I had ur same problem no one was able to help me so i took it to the repairing center and they fixed everything try going there

  2. You have provided information that is inconsistent. You need to provide enough information for folks to help you. First you say you have a modem - what kind (Dial-up Internet, Cable Modem, DSL Modem...) ? Most modems have a single LAN port, and the XBox can connect directly to a cable/DSL modem. So what other LAN devices are you trying to use and how are they connected to this modem ( assuming Cable or DSL modem) ? Do you have a router or what...? See where this is headed... Need more information before help can be offered.

    Try describing how you are set up, what's trying to use the Internet, etc..

  3. Get a 4 port router and connect both devices to it.

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