
Why does my mom hate it when I go out with friends?

by Guest63001  |  earlier

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She has always been that way. She gets really peeved anytime I tell her that I am going out with a friend, no matter who that friend is. I don't go out excessively. Maybe two to three times a week. The rest of the week I am at home with the rest of my family or at work. She literally says, "No. Don't go out. Stay home." If I ask her why, she'll say that I go out too much. Once she said that since I leaving for college soon, that I should just stay home for the rest of the summer... when its still the first week of August.

I feel like suffocate at home, its so boring. I need to go out with friends once in awhile. She doesn't understand that. I think its connected to her own lack of friendships. She's not very social. I just wish I didn't have to feel so guilty every time I want to have fun.

I don't understand why she would rather me stay at home all day and watch tv rather than go out with my friends.

Does anyone else go through this?




  1. tell your friends to try to be friendly to mom, too. maybe she just felt left out or jealous.

  2. No clue.

  3. I don't think that is has anything to do with your mother's lack of a social life...

    I think that you're growing up, and she's just not ready to let go. She wants you to spend more time around the house because it connects you to one another - even if it's just you, sitting on the couch, watching T.V.

    Parents think in funny ways. And, yes, it's ridiculously annoying. Why not try to go out and spend time with just ypu and your mother. Go out to dinner and a movie together, go shopping together - just do something simple, something you might do with your friends.

    Maybe she'll feel a little better about letting you out of her sight when she's had her time with you. And if she's still being a grump - try bringing your friends back to your house to hang out.

    Until college starts up, why not let Mom feel a little invovled? By fall, you'll be free, right?

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