
Why does my mom like my sister more?

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Ok i have 1 borther and sister. bro=21sis=18.when my brother was in our house she favorer my sister more than me and my brother but my brother came before me. I need a pare of shoes my sister got some, didnt evan need them,then brother than me. I need new clothes cause i havent got them in 2 years my sister goes to the mall every week. I'm bradley the youngest that get shitted on everyday. i take out trash,do dish, and mo the lawn,+ kepp my room clean. liz and jacob do nothing at the house but eat sleep and leave. So why am i screwed on everything. I havent got anything new since my birthday Wich was FEB 27! So why is she an *** to me and not to them!




  1. She probably believes in the stereotype that only girls like to go shopping.  Tell her it's not true and you want some new stuff.  Also, ask for an allowance for doing all the chores, so you can get paid for your work, and maybe build up enough money to buy stuff w/ your own money, which she definitely can't say no to.  

  2. Believe it or not your mother lovers you just a much as your sister and brother. I know this sounds hard to believe being the youngest, they get to do every thing and go every where. It is hard for your mother to accept the fact that her Baby is growing up and will soon be leaving the nest so to speak. Mothers always treat their youngest this way. This is normal. They do not do it to be mean they just can not help it. I know from experience, I am 67 yrs old the youngest of 5. My mother is 103 yrs old and I am very proud to still be her BABY. She still treats me as such. One day you will under stand and be proud also I hope. I hope this will help you to under stand your mother a little better and some of her why she treats you the way she does. I am very sorry you  fee the way you do but I do under stand. Good Luck. May God be with you.

  3. Maybe she is living Vicariously thru your sis so she spoils her...idk sorry tho :(

  4. No good mother would ever favor one sibling over the other

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