
Why does my mom want me to.........?

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Ive been homeschooling for a little while cos my mom says it good for me. But i hate it. Im going back to school next month but my mom clearly doesnt want me not a trouble maker or anything its just she doesnt like the schooling system and she tioold me that if i had like one bad day at school shes going to take me out again!! why doesnt my mom understand that i just want to finish school and not have to worry about homeschooling..?




  1. i think she probably had a bad high school experience or she is scared you might get into something bad like drugs, gangs, bf, etc.

    try talking to her and make her open up to you as what the problem really is and make agreements and dont do anything bad because one bad mistake can ruin your life(might be what shes worried about).

    good luck and hope she opens up

  2. As a homeschooling mom myself, I can see where she's coming from. You fear things that MIGHT happen in the public schools. There's a lot of peer pressure and of course you're not a bad kid, but are you strong enough to stand up to the kind of pressure that you will get in school? Peer and scholastic also. She is your mom and she loves and wants the best for you. I know where you're coming from too, but you sound like you need to go back and see what you're NOT missing. I wish you the best and your mom as well, it would be hard to think your child wasn't happy in homeschool with you. BTW I have asked my son if he wants to go back and he doesn't and I'm glad.

  3. Hi Green Day,

    Homeschooling isn't necessarily bad. It has its pros and cons. But ultimately you are the one who needs to feel good about the decision. Read the 2 articles below and use the cons to defend your position. Good luck with your decision !

  4. well why did she homeschool you in the first place?

    there must have been a reason for why she did it.

    instead of throwing a fit and demanding that you should go back to public school, list reasons for why a public school would be better for you.

    - meet new people

    - be social

    - have help on work

    - have a teacher to talk to.


  5. Well, as long as your going to school, be happy, and stick with it!  As a mother, whose been homeschooling for so long, it's only natural she'd be a little worried.  But be prepared for some rough times ahead.  It's just the way school is.  But be excited too, school can be fantastic:)

  6. she is strict,on time,hardworking.if she sees your effort,progress she will be better

  7. What is it about the school system that your mother doesn't like?  You and she need to talk about this seriously.  She does realize, of course, that keeping you at home is depriving you of the opportunity to make friends and establish relationships with other people.  This is a very important part of your whole learning process and your emotional development.  Yes, you and mom definitely need to talk seriously.

  8. She has a problem that she is not telling you about, talk to her

  9. i was homeschooled from kindergarten through graduation. i didn't mind it a whole lot, because my parents kept us involved in activities where i could make friends.

    like yours, my parents didn't like the public schools--they thought we could have more learning opportunities at home.

    they were right. public school teaches all students as if they were identical--and based on the finished product coming out of high school, a lot of them are teaching to the lowest common denominator.

    but that said, most people aren't cut out to homeschool their kids. it takes more than ordering a curriculum and plopping your kids down with a book and hoping for the best.

    and now that my mom doesn't have little kids at home, she's teaching. in the public schools.

  10. Did you ask her why?

    We can guess all we want, but we won't know. Ultimately, it boils down to reasons of wanting the best for you and she doesn't believe the school system is the best. This sounds like a perfect opportunity for you to build your relationship--ask her nicely what it is about the school system she doesn't like and explain that you'd like to understand. Just listen to her. Don't try to point out how she's wrong, don't think you have to defend your opinion on it, just accept her point of view. It's especially helpful to paraphrase what she's said. "So, you feel that..." When she's all done, you can say, "Okay mom, I understand," give her a kiss on the cheek and leave it at that.

    It's a shame you weren't able to make homeschooling work for you, but not everybody can. If you "just want to finish school," then homeschooling gives you the opportunity to finish it FASTER. I'm also a little confused about "not have to worry about homeschooling"--I'm not sure what there is to worry about.

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