
Why does my mother treat me like a baby?

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I've just recently moved out of my parents house but my mother has been acting funny about the whole situation. You seeme and my boy friend have been dating for 3 years now and were thinking about moving in together. My mother acts like she doesnt like him all of a sudden. She told me that if he was to move in with me that she wouldn't have anything to do with me. Now Im confused. Im grown and on my own finally but she still wants to treat me like a baby.




  1. It's because it probably hasn't kicked in that her little girl isn't little anymore and that you are growing up and grown and u don't need her to lead the way you need her behind you to catch you when you fall.  Maybe you should talk to her about it.

  2. Parents have a difficult time letting go of their children no matter how old they get. You will always be your mothers little girl. However, I have come to learn that healthy communication is the best way to get your point of view across, especially to your parents. So, you should talk to her about it and maybe she'll have a change in mind. Good Luck.

  3. She's not treating you like a baby. She's treating you like a grown woman who is doing something that have been proven to be stupid by thousands of young women before you. You, on the other hand, do not need your mothers permission to make your own mistakes. I say go with it and let her deal. Keep her number handy though, you'll need it.

  4. thi sis coming from a guy,

    you know what i'd tell her. If i wanted to move in with my girlfriend, "that is if i had one"

    "i don't give a f*ck what you think" my life not yours.

  5. you'll always be her baby

  6. walk up to her, look her in the eye, and tell her " MAMA, IM A GROWN *** WOMAN!"

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