
Why does my mouth still hurt 4 weeks after wisom tooth removal?

by  |  earlier

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I had an impacted wisdom tooth on the lower left side of my mouth removed July 3rd. The socket still isn't completely healed, and my gums and teeth on the left side of my mouth have been hurting on and off. On top of that, I've been getting constant earaches which turn into migraines.

Is this to be expected? Should I go back to my dentist or see a doctor? And finally, what can I do to alleviate some of the pain in the meantime?




  1. Ask your dentist. You could have dry socket. I had that when all four of my wisdom teeth were taken out. I was in horrible pain.

  2. probley not ask your dentist

  3. Might be an infection...u should see someone about antibiotics

  4. You should ask ur dentist it could be infected i just got mine taken out 2 days ago and boy it hurts alot right now i also  got a fever ...

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