
Why does my mum think I'm like a baby and I'm allot older than that!?

by  |  earlier

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It really upsets me cos she in her mind thinks im really young and im alot older than that!

I have asked if she would what to adopt and she says no.....

Why does she whant me as a little baby,

even tho I have asked her if she would whant to adopt a real baby!

I know its alot of work but why does she whant me to be a baby again!

Does she whant a baby but she can not handle it?

Or something like that anyway!




  1. u will allways be her baby unforchenetly(havent spelled right)im at teen years now but i inderstand both NOT A DAD if u got the wrong inpreshon

  2. i don't no really maybe its cos your mum loves you so much that she doesn't ever want to loose you or something but anyway thanks for the two points

  3. you'll always be a baby in your mum's eyes...

  4. I'm afraid I don't understand what you're asking. Partly because your spelling is throwing me off, and partly because I don't understand your background relationship with your mother.

    How old are you that she's treating you like a child? Sit down with her and calmly explain to her how she's making you feel. No matter what she says to push your buttons remember to stay calm. Explain to her that you're growing up and that while you'll always be her baby you are no longer one. Tell her you are trying to be the responsible adult you know she wants you to be, but that her criticisms, comments or actions (be specific about them but try not to sound negative) are what's causing the friction between you two. You don't want to fight with her, but you want to be seen in her eyes as an adult.

    If you feel that sitting down and talking to her like this without yelling or ending up in a fight you may want to write her a letter telling her how you feeling. Stick it some place she'll see it right away, on her pillow, in her purse. If she drinks coffee, leave it by the coffee maker.

    Trust me, talking logically and calmly to your mother will help her to figure out that you really are an adult, or at the very least get her to back off on some of the things she's doing to p**s you off.

    If you do write her a letter though you may wish use a spell check device. The more professional a letter, the better the result.

    I'm writing from experience.

  5. How old are you??? Im 26 and im the youngest of 8 kids when im around my parents, brothers and sisters i instantly get treated like 'the baby' i dont mind its nice at times, thats the way families are well good caring families anyway, i wouldnt have it any other way!

    Why would you assume she wants another baby just because she wants to take care of you isnt that a bit rude to say to your mother, i think its you with the problem not her x

  6. Honey! I don't care how old you are or how old you will always be your mom's baby girl.

    One day, you will be thankful.  As annoying as it may be right now, enjoy it.

  7. Your mother probably doesn't want a baby, and she probably doesn't want you to be a baby either.

    Maybe she sees you as younger than you want her to see you.  Maybe, too, you think you should be treated as older than you really are.

    Sometimes even when mothers can see how grown up their children are they talk to them in a tender way.  The kid may think they're being talked to as if they're a baby, but mothers often believe that the world is full of people who talk abruptly to children/teens, and its nice for a mother to talk to her son or daughter in a particularly warm way.

    Either way, chances are your mother doesn't want a baby.  Chances are she could handle it if she did.

  8. Mums are just mums.  They look after their young no matter how old the youngen's tend to be.  Just be glad your mommy doesn't hate you.

  9. 1) What is your question

    2)Why is your question in 'adoption'

  10. u will always be her baby no matter how old u get.

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