
Why does my muse seem to leave in a hurry these days?

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My Words

By: Sher

Words, my very breath,

a statue without them

just a man-made work of art

hiding the true art within.

Footprints fade, get washed away,

material objects break...

the tide rises and I disappear.

Within my soul, these words float

sailing free inside my walls

searching for release.

They make me, they shape me,

they are me,

not the me you see,

but the me that truly exists.




  1. The wayward 'muse' is best caught and held by using the most gossamer net...the muse must have its freedom to leave at will and return at will...ah, but she CAN be enticed to alight on your page and flutter her words into your eyes and pen...her 'downfall' is curiousity!

    Use it with a light touch and you're back 'home', poetically.

  2. I hear ya sister!

    Your muse and my muse have absconded to Paris, packed up the bags full of meters and rhymes, leaving empty thoughts behind.

    Our minds are filled with worry and business. There is no doubt they will return, but who knows when? They bought open-end tickets!

    Good morning!

  3. For me Sher, it often results from not having enough time to be quiet. Don't force it. Choose a book of poetry you like and read it a few times. Try to write something in the style of the author. If nothing comes just keep reading.

    To the poem: It would seem to me that the words would be more of the marble block and less of the statue. I do like your first line. One caution though:

    just a man-made work of art

    There are very few times that "just' is ever needed in a poem.

  4. The Muse demands complete attention. You are in the process of moving to the other side of the country, enhancing your home for sale, raising your children, etc.

    The Muse is jealous and fickle. She will return when you have more time to devote to her.

  5. Your muse is in a state of samsara. You must patiently wait for your muses rebirth. As the leaf falls and decays so shall a new leaf arise to replace... it is the circle of life...  

  6. I understand the writer's block. I recently lost a muse, then gained a new one...and she's vicious let me tell you that. You never know what's around the bend. But this...your words, they remain unchanged in their eloquence, in their raw, primal, yet remarkably subdued feeling. A tiger in a cage...what would happen if I were to fiddle with the lock?

  7. Looks like you did well without your muse.  When he said "hurt me baby!", did you really hurt him?

  8. "Hi!",

    I love it. very discriptive and loved how you expressed yourself in this poem.

    I love all your lines. especially.

    (Words, my very breath,

    a statue without them)

    I am expiriencing the same thing. writters block. I am mearly making it up as I go right now, Hoping to get ideas to construct an actual poem.

    WELL Done

    Cheers : )

  9. From these words, your muse must be back! write on, write the time is right. the muse has heard your plight, she hangs her head in shame,

    that you have made your public claim, that you would pen without

    honor to her name.

  10. I am a musician rather than a poet.   When I am trying to get started with a composition and nothing exciting seems to be appearing, I try to see if luck will help.   A short, almost disinterested improvisation may unearth some tiny germ that has me excited.  

    (Sometimes this works a little bit too well, and I lose all desire to write music and simply spend a lot of time fiddling about with the idea until it 'wears out' .    When this is the outcome, however, I rarely chastise myself.  The aftertaste of this time of spontaneous composition usually leaves me in a fine state for writing when I have rested.)

    Some people, I have noticed, rarely manage to invent a tiny germ that initiates their creative spurt, but are simply overflowing with 'helpful ideas' when they come across a germ from someone else's imagination.  [ Many of this type end up as teachers!]

    Incidentally.... If that is what you are capable of when the Muse is gone, I suspect that this Muse of  yours may be jealous!

  11. Sher- I don't see a writer's block. Your words flow freely. It seems we all have that little muse. The one that hides our keys and changes our appointments. You made me smile.

  12. And now you know why some tried drugs and other libations! lol  Relax, muses come in spurts.  Why not try what Granny does by trying to imitate a famous poet.  At least it gets the words flowing.

  13. Mine does the same.  Methinks they're sisters.

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