
Why does my neighbor look me up and down when we are talking?

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This drives me crazy. Every time I talk to my neighbor she looks me up and down. She doesn't even try to be discreet. She is really nice to me, but it makes me uncomfortable. I am 28 and she is 36. It's not like she is much older than me. I feel like it is a s****. thing to do. I have tried to do it back to her, but it makes me uncomfortable b/c I am not that type of person. Why does she do this and how can I get her to stop?




  1. Ask her: "Do I look nice? Is ther something in my pants? "

    This sucks! I know what you mean.

  2. I understand where you are coming from.  My former boss use to do that to me and it made me very uneasy.  I think some people are oblivious to it but some do it to be rude and when they do it, I do it right back in an exaggerated, joking kind of way and they usually laugh about it.  It's just tacky.

  3. s****.?  Interesting.  Unless she is extremely good looking and wealthy to boot, what's she got to be "s****." about?  Checking out other women is not unusual on the one hand; almost every woman does it, although with more discretion than you have described.  Usually it's done as a form of appraisal and women who are pretty, well-groomed, and well-dressed probably get more ogles.  But, on the other hand, people who dress inappropriately, say by exposing most of their b*****s, and wearing as little as possible below the waistline, get even more ogles.  Regardless, it is rude to do this face to face with someone while talking.  It would be rude for a man to do this as well.  I would not think of her as "snooty."  If anything, she sounds a little bourgeois.

  4. Ask her why she does it.

    Ask her to stop.

  5. Next time she does it, look down at yourself and say, "What are you looking at?"

    Simple. Keep doing it until she stops.

  6. I would just confront her about it and tell her it makes you uncomfortable.


  7. She's probably not aware she's doing it...maybe she's checking out what you're wearing or maybe her eyes just go somewhere else when she can't look right at you while she's talking.

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