
Why does my nephew fantasy men who shows him attiude?

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my 20 year nephew told me he fantasies hes making out front to front in with the guys he had fight with imagining he has vagin* ....weired !!!




  1. What's even more weird is that your 20 year old nephew is telling you about these fantasies.

  2. well its very good he feels open enough to talk to you about that!

  3. Two things... he may be transgendered ... and since these are boys he had a fight with... he may have some submissive or self-abuse tendencies.  Look for a therapist with gender issues experience to give your nephew the help he needs to be happy and fulfilled in whatever kind of healthy sexual life is right for him...

  4. WHAT THE h**l? is he g*y? why is he telling you this? that is extremely weird.  

  5. That is such a beautiful fantasy, it makes me want to cry. It's my secret fantasy too, that somehow love between men could replace conflict/attitude/war. Maybe he's g*y, maybe not. I have heard men describe their combat experience as the time in their life when they were happiest, living and fighting with other men. How strange that this homo-social impulse is channeled by those in power towards the murder of the imaginary enemy. It is my dream that love could replace hatred and fear in this world. I believe it is possible. And as for the v****a, don't we all wish we had what the other side has from time to time?

  6. Why is he telling you these things?  Why are you worried about it?  You nephew maybe g*y and that may be his sexual orientation.  he is still at the age of experimentation.  I would not worry about it, even if he acts on the fantasies.  he will be fine.

    If it helps any and you need to ask specific questions about being g*y, i am g*y and will help you.


  7. We all have strange dreams at times , but normally we keep the weirdest to our selves !!!  Could be he has not been having much s*x lately ??

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