
Why does my neutered male cat act so crazy?

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I got my little guy fixed about a year ago, and he still howls at night, cries on the ledge next to the window, and whines early in the morning. He chases his sisters around the house, biting the back of their necks, and tries to jump their bones every chance he gets. He also tries to climb the highest bookcases he can find, and yelp at the top of his lungs. He runs around after midnight, jumping on tables, jumping off them and running like a lunatic all over the house making funny noises. What can I do?




  1. he still has hormones you cant control that. and whenever my cats do that its usually because an outsider is antagonizing them, sometimes stray cats will wonder up to the house and my cats (i have 2 fixed males) will go crazy, and occasionally end up fighting and making a lot of noise

  2. It may be several things. It may be related to anxiety issues but it may also be that he is just a very active kitty. Usually, cats get accustomed to human schedule, so it is very strange that at this point he still doesn't stay quiet at night. Sounds to me like either he is anxious because he wants attention desperately, remember, there are other cats in the house and maybe he feels he needs to fight for attention and space, or it may be that your kitty's nature is that of a dominant, inpatient, active fella.

    I'm not saying for you to give up your other cats but not having them around may help the situation a little better. Again, I'm not saying you should get rid of the sisters.  

    Try disciplining with water, just a bit though. Whenever he starts making noises at night just spray him with water.

    Other than that I really think you have an anxiety issue related to dominance and attention seeking. Try giving him as much attention as you can see how he reacts.

  3. your cat is possessed! Or maybe it's just paying you back big time for cutting his marbles off!

    Bad Girl, NO chocolate!

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