
Why does my new cat not eat and play?

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I recently got a new cat (about 4 years old). It's been 3 days and she would seem fine -- not hiding anymore, using the litter box -- except she's not eating much and doesn't play with any toys. She also appears to be more outgoing with me around (head bunts, sometimes eat very very little) - but continues to refuse to play with toys. Any suggestions? I'm mostly worried about her not eating :(




  1. What are you feeding? You know canned foods are much healthier for cats then dry food rigtht?  Please check her gums and make sure there is no yellowing which would need immediate vet attention.

    Try tempting with meat like chicken, ham, turkey or baby food no onions. Do not let not eating go on too long

    Best of luck and thanks for adopting

  2. The cat is still getting use to the environment, and is probably not use to the new type of food. If she's already 4 years old, there's a high probability that she just is too old for playing with toys. Don't worry, she'll be fine in a few days or so!

    Best of luck with your cat!

  3. it can be really hard on them when they go to a new home, even if it is a great one.  i'd watch her closely, but if she is affectionate with you, that is a good sign.  i would pull up the skin on the back of her neck to see if she is dehydrated.  that would be my concern at this point.  they can live without food for a couple of days, but they need to stay hydrated.  

    as for playing, some cats don't much like to play.  or you haven't found a toy she likes.  my cats like laser lights and mouse on a stick.  i'd say give her time to settle and you may see a happy, playful cat soon.  

  4. She has to get used to the new  home!  She will be ok be patient and good luck!

  5. try a different type of food or maybe some tuna. she may be picky like my cats. she could also still be nervous of the new surroundings

  6. I have two cats, and neither of them play with "toys." One of them will attack a string if I dangle it in front of her, but the other one won't play at all. Some cats don't like to play, just like some people don't like to play.

    Some cats also have a hard time eating dry food. Cat have sharp piercing and shredding teeth, they're hunters/carnivores. As you can probably visualize, it's not easy masticating with such pointy teeth. You should try to feed your cat wet food and see if she likes that more. You can also lay  out a variety of choices for her to pick. If none of this works and she becomes frail, then take her to the vet and what they'll do is force-feed her with a tube down her throat.

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