
Why does my newborn have to wear a yellow outfit when going home from the hospital?

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My aunt insisted that I bring a yellow outfit for my newborn to wear when going home from the hospital. I asked her why and she said because it's good luck for the baby to wear yellow. Does anyone know where this superstition came from? My aunt is Mexican, so could this superstition possibly come from Mexico?




  1. What??!!!  I dont think so!  One of my favorite things to do was to buy the outfit my kids went home in.  Pick it out ahead of time.  I put them in super cute dresses (which I know is ridiculous because we are just going home).  They later wore the dresses to church.  I have no idea about the yellow.  But the baby is yours and can wear whatever you want!

  2. yes becos of a  illness(seek,virus), word comes from yellow  the child be necessary to wear yellow and to see  all thing in front of him yellow

    in arabic the ilness name is sfayra (coming from asfar men yellow)

    the name in englsih is Jaundice

    the ilness make the baby skin transfor fronm white to yellow

    the name is Jaundice (come from jaune in frensh mean yellow)

  3. well, i have never heard of this - but i'm not Mexican. however , that's a nice thing to do. yellow, soft green, white, pink and blue all look so cute on babies! and if yellow is lucky - then that's a good way to face the world!

  4. It'll be something to do with the fact that you are not taking the child or its s*x for granted..yellow is for both boys and girls....its a bit of a weird one and I have never heard of it but I eould get a yellow outfit as your aunt will only worry otherwise and yellow is nice!

  5. ummm nope my kids wore diapers and tee shirts (white) coming home.  

  6. I've never heard of this.  I'm a NICU RN that sends babies home all the time from all different cultures (hispanic included) and this has never been an issue.  I think you are right, it's probably something from her upbringing.  Bottom line, it's your baby and you can put on whatever you like on your baby.  Good luck & congratulations!

  7. I've never heard of it but if it's a nice outfit then go for it.  

  8. ive herd of this before i think its in a mexican religion to dress baby in yellow as uv said to bring baby luck but if u don't believe in it then don't do it but i cant see any harm in what ever u decide 2 bring baby home in

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