
Why does my orange juice taste fizzy and tingly?

by  |  earlier

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I was out of town for a week and came back to find my jug of orange juice looking like a giant marshmallow. I opened it to a delightful ssssshhhhhhhh, and looking inside the jug, I saw that it now has a nice frothy head. The expiration date is July 17 2008, so I tasted a little and it tastes kind of like Orangina... sweet and tingly on my tongue. Should I enjoy my tasty beverage or dump it out?




  1. its gone off throw it if i was u

  2. Oh...thats ...

  3. it's spoiled. dump it out

  4. The tingly feeling is your tongue being burned off by rotten orange juice.

  5. You did not discover how Orangina is made.  This is not Sunkist.

    What you have is fermented orange juice.

    If you choose to drink it you will have awful stomach pains among other things for at least a day.

    If you have already drank some of it, go out and buy some Pepto Bismol-you will need it later

  6. Um, how strong's your stomach?

    just don't operate heavy machinery after consuming ;).

  7. Frothy OJ.........nope....don't touch that!

  8. try shaking the container

  9. Yeah.. that stuff went BAD.  I wouldn't drink it, our bodies don't really like that kind of bacteria.  Although I like your positive attitude about it.

  10. drink something else.

  11. the orange juice have alot of oranges in there that why it feel fizzy and tingly i that if its to fizzy throw it away.

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