
Why does my own sister do this to me??

by Guest58185  |  earlier

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Ok let me give two different situation that have happen to me and you tell me what you think about it. First: I use to like this guy at my doctor's office, my sister new that I had a crush on him and everything and what do I found out! that she's emailing him and secretly (well thinks she secretly) talking to him on the phone. Thinking that I won't find out!! What's up with that? Then she start dating him knowing that I had a crush on him she goes and stabs me in the back. She never even said she was sorry for what she did. Second: We both start chatting and stuff with this guy we met playing an online game and of course since she's a lil older then me she thinks she can just go right ahead and take what she thinks is hers already. I so upset right now! that I can't even sleep...Why does she have to always try to get with the guys I find attractive??




  1. k

  2. It sounds like she is insecure and doesn't even know what she's doing to you.  Talk to her without hurt feelings or anger getting in the way.  Remember your sister is forever, don't let flirting or dating guys get in the way of that  -  even if it feels like that's what she's doing.

    Maybe keep your next crush a secret until you already have something going on with the boy.  

    Good luck,

  3. in some way or another she is jealous

  4. Stop telling her your business.  If she don't know she can't stop your game. You are allowing your sister to do this to you. Don't hang with her, do your own thing.  You will see the difference if she doesn't know every nuck and cranny of your business.

  5. its possible she really feels threatened,jealous of you and if these guys go with her after chattin with you they are not worth your time.  

  6. she is pure evil


    she deeply love you, doesn't want you to get hurt.

  7. Sibling rivalry. You could end it all if you want to, get married to the next guy you have a crush on and hopefully she won't try to snatch him away from you.  

  8. Sibling rivalry happens in life.  She feels that since she's older, she should have the better things in life, and that you should have the hand-me-downs.  In a way, it's playing out like Cinderella (or so it seems to me).  In the end you'll get what you want, she won't, and you'll be able to rub it in her face (if you want to, that is).

    Don't let this get you down, you'll end up on the winning end of things eventually.  And fyi, don't tell her about crushes or anything, and try not to make it obvious around her.  That might help.

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