
Why does my parakeet keep going back into his cage? (details)

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I just got this parakeet 3 days ago and everytime I take him out of his cage, he immediately flies back into it. It's getting extremely frustrating. It is getting harder and harder to just get him out of his cage. Is this a problem? What should I do?




  1. He is probably  still getting used to a  new  enviorment not  all Parakeets are the same! try getting him on your finger and  then holding your other hand  and is back so he cant start flying immediatly bring him somewhere where  he cant see his cage.I have  the same problem. Was he handfed? maybe he needs  to get comfortable with   you and is  new house before he comes out.  

  2. Give him some time to get used to you. You have to earn their trust. I always give a new bird at least a week before I tey to train it. I know its hard but try to have patience

  3. hes probally still scared of the new inviroment that hes been put into, dont worry, im sure after a while he will feel more "at home" and come out more.

  4. yeh mines like that too what i do is just leave the cage open for a while n they'll eventually come out

  5. you both neede to gain each others trust, it can be frustrating but stay calm...

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