
Why does my parakeet like being rubbed behind her ear?

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strange question i know but she loves it and ive never had a parakeet that wants to be rubbed behind the ear




  1. It's not very difficult.because they can not scratch there(back of the neck)themselves and because some tiny insects live in their skin,they need it to be rubbed.while living in wild, they are usually in pairs & one of them does this job for the other one.


  2. Funny question; parakeets don't have ears. But I know what you mean. I had several budgies when I was young, and most of them liked being skritched on the neck behind the earholes. It's not just birds. Cats and dogs like it, too. I currently have two cats who just adore this kind of scratch. So, why? I don't know. It's a pet thing.

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