
Why does my parakeet make crunch noises?

by Guest60581  |  earlier

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she/he makes this when i put it back in the cage. i'm in the process of taming. it sounds kind of like the crunch noises when it eats except i know it doesn't have anything in its mouth.




  1. my gf's bird kept making coughing noises she took him to the vet twice before she realized he was mimicing her smokers cough. ROFL

  2. mine does the same thing ! i am taming mine to! no clue what it is ,but lemme know when you find an answer

  3. My birds do that alot, they seem to do it just before going to sleep.

  4. It means they're comfortable and probably about to take a nap.  It's the bird version of purring.  Since your bird isn't tame yet, it's probably relieved to go back in the cage where it knows it's safe.

  5. Some birds do this as a comfort thing. It can also be that he is trying to grind his beak down, which is normal. Either way, it's nothing to be concerned about.

  6. I think all parekket types birds do the clicking noise my grandmothers did.Maybe nerves I dont know.

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