
Why does my p***s smell no matter how hygenic I may be?

by  |  earlier

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I wash my p***s everyday, I was my groin area, I wash my butt, I wash my balls and it still stinks. I've tried antibacterial soap, warm water, hot water, cold water. Baby powder, deoderant and the smell still won't go away.

I'm a virgin so I'm sure it's not an std, what could it be and how do I get the horrible stink to go away. I only get this smell after I ejaculate and it lingers on for months at a time.




  1. dip your p***s in listerine... it will take away the smell

  2. Do the sensible thing and go get circumcised, Its much cleaner and you will be less open to STD's and infections which you might have now. You dont have to lose your virginity to get an infection involving your p***s especially if you are uncircumcised!!

  3. hey there, if i were you id try to keep myself as dry as possible down there at all times, theres a possibility you may have jock itch which is just a fungal type infection. try using an anti fungal cream or powder every day for at least  a week to 10 days and see if that helps...also if you are over weight that may have something to do with it..but regardless, try to keep dry at all times, bacteria thrive in moist enviroments, so if u keep the moisture away it might go a long way toward solving your problem..i hope this helps...good luck

  4. All guys p***s's smell. Don't worry.


    ok this is what you do .. you go 2 your doctor and say " my balls stink i need a cure!!"

  6. That's just how it is man. You keep anything wrapped up all day, getting sweaty and dirty, it's going to smell.

  7. penises and v****a's do have a smell, we are not sterile, nobody has neutral scent down there

  8. Whatd she say?? All guys p***s stink??? Well, Mine Dont !! :o) haha

    The thing i was wondering is are you smelling it THAT strong or are you putting your nose under your sack, if so, HOW?

  9. do you know they smell? Are you double jointed? I thought only I could do that  

  10. Wash after you m********e I use the original Irish spring soap and don't sleep in your underwear. Also the smell of the ejaculate will vary depending on your diet.  

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