
Why does my p***s smell relly bad???

by  |  earlier

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i wash everynight and everything but it still smells idk y




  1. You're eating the wrong things.. and how do you bend far enough down to smell your p***s?  

  2. Are you circumsized?  If not, hopefully you were taught (which is rare unfortunately) to retract and clean the glans (the end part of your p***s).  That's a part that can accumulate bacteria (whose metabolites will smell often not nicely).  If you're doing this part already, something internal could be going on (like a urinary tract infection).  Best is to get checked by a health care professional.  Don't let your fear of having have to expose yourself cause you unnecessary stress or more harm, health care professionals "have seen it all".

  3. Circumcised or uncircumcised?

  4. How can you honestly tell if your p***s smells bad? Can you really get that close?

    Maybe you should try washing a couple times a day.

    Maybe try baby powder or something.

  5. Wash it better, especially if ur not circumsized

  6. Why are you smelling your p***s?  

  7. is it fishy smell if it is keep it out the tuna can

  8. how the h**l do u smell it? LOL stop stickin it up ur asss

  9. um...  it's not supposed to smell like a rose but uh....  well is there stuff in f******n or whatever?  or like... trapped between folds... i'm sorry this is so awkward.

      is stuff coming out of it? go to the doctor, you probably um... got it into something... er.. bad.

  10. stop sticking it in dog c**p

  11. don't touch it too often.the smell may go away

  12. Infection of some sort?? Go see a doctor.

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