
Why does my puppy bite so much??

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I have a 8 week old german shepherd and she's always biting. She got all the chewing toys she can bite, and when I pet her or play with her shes just focused on biting my hand, What can I do to make her stop, can you give me some tips please?? Thanks




  1. oh dont worry about that, she is going through the puppy stage, biting.

    thats when a puppy bites and bites, i dont really understand it either but he bites your hand moe then toys, i guess there is somethings with dogs and hands,  but dont worry it wont last that long.

    good luck!

    hope this helped

  2. When she nips yelp like a puppy would and cross your arms and turn your back.That's to say i don`t want to play with you Caz u hurt me!

  3. Puppies seem to love chewing. It isn't vicious biting, I think it is instinct to chew. Maybe try some sort of doggie treat like milk bones.


    it might help you

  5. i agree with the second answer,my pup is 4months old and he does exactly the same,nips you when you want to stroke him,i make the ouch sound too,and he licks me as if to say sorry,encourage play and if he nips then do that sound ouch and ignore him,he will soon realise that if he wants your attention he will not get it by nipping,young pups do nip,especially if they are teething.good luck

  6. Puppies love to bite, nip, ect...  It is what they do when they play.  But, we want to teach our dogs not to nip or bite humans, even in play, at least that is what I want to teach y dog.

    Every time she takes a nip at your hands, say "Ouch" and offer one of her chew toys.

    Now, that my pup is 16 weeks we are doing this to teach her that nipping us is not desireable...

    Encourage excited play and then when she is riled up a bit hold your hand near her mouth, as soon as you feel the teeth, yell "Ouch!" and walk out of the room.  She will eventually understand that biting us will lead to us not playing and will stop.  This was an exercise given to us by our trainer.

  7. Hi OMG------OMG i am having the same exact problem with my Bichon Frise puppy.It is literary a pain in the ankle! The first week i had Bella i thought it was cute and chalked it up to teething. Like you i bought all the appropriate chew toys. She's been alot better because after trying everything else i could think of & getting no results i would pick her up and try to bond with but wherever i show her love & she starts biting i simply replace my hand with a chew toy and ignore her for awhile.  Please don't resort to yelling or punishment.  It will only make her afraid of you & confused,  In time it will get better when she learns what she can nibble on and what she is not allowed to.  Have patience & good luck.  Remember she is only doing what comes naturally.  Try not to take it personally.

  8. It may be teething like a baby.  Its teeth are growing in and it may be itching or irritating just like when you were a baby.  Your hand is probably softer than its chew toys and feels better.

  9. she is just a little baby she doesn't know better, and little babys love chewing things.

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