
Why does my puppy cough?

by  |  earlier

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hes been coughing ever since i got him and hes 2 months old. he coughs like he has something in his throat and he does it everyday quite often. will he grow out of it or should i get him checked out???




  1. You need to take him to the vet.  Coughing is not normal and could be a sign of Kennel Cough which could lead to something more serious.

  2. I tend to agree with most everyones thought on it being kennel cough.  However, I am most curious as to why you have not had your puppy evaluated by a professional.  If this coughing has been going on since you aquired the puppy, it should have been mentioned during the 6 week visit as well as the 12 week visit.  There is a vaccination to prevent kennel cough that is usually administered during normal shots if requested.  My guess (and you didn't give enough detail so I apologize if I am incorrect) is that you have a puppy that you have not taken to a vet since you aquired it, nor have you bothered to have it vaccinated.  Please consider taking your pet to a reputable doctor and get an exam and get started on it's shots.

  3. get him checked out he could be sick.

  4. it sounds like kennel cough. did you adopt him from a shelter? if so, that is most likely what it is. you can try giving him a small dose of childrens cough medicine and if that does not work, take him to the vet. they will most likely give him something to help clear it up. kennel cough can be painful for dogs, so do something sooner than later. dont worry though, kennel cough is not uncommon. a lot of shelter dogs end up with it and when its treated it doesnt take long to go away. keep him away from other dogs though, kennel cough is highly contagious.  


  6. seriously NO he wont you need to get him seen to, ive had dogs all my life and thats not normal, he may have an allergie like humans do,dogs can be quite sensitive depending on the breed, just get him checked out to be safe! good luckxx

  7. take him to the vet it sounds like it is kennel cough. The vet will give you some meds and he will be better in no time. you need to start on his vaccines as well, talk to your vet about that

  8. There's a virus called kennel cough which is spread from dog to dog, normally at a kennel. I'd call the vet and see what  he says.

  9. well he might have left over Kennal cough, what you need to do if go to the vet and tell them and they will give him some good meds :)i use to work at the merdian animal shelter and thats most common. if you dont take care of it it could lead to phnemonia.

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