
Why does my puppy whine in her sleep?

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I got a 6 week old puppy from the pound (she was alone) about 4 days ago now.

And when she's sleeping she whines and shakes and stuff.

Could she be having nightmares of some sort? None of my dogs or puppies have done this before.

Also.. How much exercise does a BC puppy need a day? (well playtime at the moment)




  1. shes just dreaming.  mine sometimes barks in his sleep.  6 weeks is very young try wrapping a ticking clock in a towel and let her curl up to that when she sleeps. the ticking will remind her of her mothers heart beat and help her sleep easier. should help comfort her if she has been taken away  from her mom too early.

    If you use an alarm clock be sure the alarm is NOT set.

  2. If your puppy twitches, makes noises, etc, then it's normal. It means that she's growing. Since she's a puppy, she just needs at least and hour or so of playtime. She'll tire out, p**p, pee, and take a nap.

  3. She is dreaming and probably chasing all kinds of things in her sleep. My dog does this all the time so it's perfectly normal.  Puppies need lots of exercise and socialization when they are young in order to develop into good well adjusted adult dogs.  The pup will let you know when he's had enough play time and will go curl up and sleep.  

  4. she is probly have a dream about something bad or is or is dreaming about her mom

  5. i have had a german shepherd puppy since she was 2 months and till this day she still does it at nights. they also dream, if you want to help em out just nudge em till they wake up..

  6. She's probably just dreaming! Dogs, whine, shake, cry, bark, move their legs like they're running, have rapid eye movements, growl, wag their tails and twitch, when they are dreaming!

  7. Sounds like she's dreaming but it's not necessarily nightmares. My dog runs,whines,cries,jerks and growls in his sleep.

    She needs as much time as you can spend with her. All the time you can for training and socialization to help her be well rounded.

  8. They dream. When mine was a puppy she woke me up early in the morning and i just stayed up and held her as she slept. She started scratching at something and chewing and other things like that and she was dreaming. It is cute.

  9. bad dreams- my puppy sleeps with me, she dosent have bad dreams unless im not there

    PS boarder collies need massive amounts of play and excercise  

  10. Shes probably just dreaming my dogs do it all the time and its very common. BC are very active. They always need to be doing something. They love to herd- cows, lambs and that kind of thing. Make sure you give her plenty to do!

  11. Every puppy I've ever had has whined in his or her sleep and squeaked.  Puppies always get hiccups too.  It's normal I think.  She might be dreaming...just hold her and be there for her.  You did a good thing by adopting her.  

    Puppies play hard for about 10 minutes or so then p**p out and sleep for a while so just let her romp around and don't take her out in public til all of her shots are done.  You can take her in your own fenced in yard but not out for walks in the street where she can pick up bacteria and viruses.  She'll get her own exercise if you just play with her a few times a day.  

    As she gets older she will definitely need more exercise though so as not to get destructive.  She'll need a job at about 5 months old whether it be agility or herding or just a lonnngggg walk and run everyday.

  12. I think dogs have dreams like we do, I have heard that they don't but I have seen my dogs barking and running like in their sleep.

  13. She is probably dreaming. My dogs run and twitch in their sleep.

    By BC, you mean Border Collie? If so, they need tons of exercise,or they get bored and that can make them destructive.

  14. You have a puppy so he is dreaming about her mommy and missing her dog family.  Love her lots and let her know she is okay.  A BC needs alot of play time. I got my BC Cassey three ducks that she herded in the yard.  I was so funny to watch her.  

  15. It usually means they are chasing something like a squirrel or rabbit :)

  16. She's dreaming! Mine does that too, except she barks sometimes! It's kinda cute!

  17. thats cut. i'm sure by now that you know its dreaming.

    You should take the BC to big open parks and if possible dog parks where it can run and run and run

  18. about the whinig, that is normal. they are just dreaming like any ohter dog does. he might kick sometimes. but i think that he will be fine. also about the playtime. when he isnt slepping or eating then he should be playing. puppies have a lot of energy!

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