
Why does my rabbit grunt??

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Why does my rabbit grunt??




  1. its just like dogs barking or growling

    it is usually when they are aggressive or feeling majorly threatened

  2. BEWARE! A grunt USUALLY means the rabbit is about to attack!

    A soft grunt when they're running around you means they're expressing they're love for you.

  3. Grunting is a warning, usually of the 'get the heck away from me now or I'll bite you' variety.  It is often due to territoriality and hormones.  Is your rabbit altered (spayed/neutered)?  If not, doing so will likely improve its attitude.  

  4. A grunt is usually a rabbits way of telling you to leave you him/her alone. If you dont he will probably kick out at you or bite you. If the rabbit is old enough try getting it spayed as you'll find he will grunt less often and will be much calmer.

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