
Why does my rabbit just sit in her litter box? and how can i stop her from doing this unless she needs to go?

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Why does my rabbit just sit in her litter box? and how can i stop her from doing this unless she needs to go?




  1. she might just think its cat does it...i dont want to yell at him though, because then he might not go in it....

  2. its probably comfortable(like that they said ^^)

    my bunnies do that too..they like to eat the corn kobb litter

    get the bunny some really comfortable  new bedding or a bed thing

  3. you can't stop her from doing it, my rabbit sits in a corner staring into space sitting on p**p for a few minutes at a time. i guess rabbits day dream

  4. Well what you can do (maybe) is to put a safe smooth wire guard (like what small bird cages are made of over the top of her litter box. This will keep her litter more contained and prevent direct contact between the rabbits fur/feet/skin and droppings and urine.

  5. train her to follo some kind of sound, then she will come out when she hears it

  6. I use to raise rabbits and a lot of rabbits like to sit in the litter box for no reason at all. If she is housed in a wire cage she could be doing it to get off the wire for awhile, try putting a flat piece of wood in her cage that she can get on. Also, just like cats that sit in the litter box, they can have an infection or a blockage and should be taken to the vet to rule out any medical issues first, if she has a clean bill of health then I would try to wood, if this doesn't help, she may be a rabbit that just likes to sit in her litter box.  

  7. she likes it. its ok but u might want to clean it out more often cause ur rabbit wont want to sit in her dirtly litter box

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