
Why does my rabbit only bite cords, and what kind is he?

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i let him run around my room under what i thought was my supervision but i just found 3 chewed up cords. one to my guitar amp and cell phone charger, hes chewed my brothers charger before too. hes pretty big

anyone know what kind he is?




  1. Rabbits chew cords because they can..Unplug your cords and put them up high so he can't get at them if you can't watch him well enough to know he's chewing them. and he might be a french lop? He's adorable! and he looks kind of big & his cage is WAY too small ): Since he looks to be a largish breed you should have a cage like this:

    EDIT: Yeah I think I'm going with Abstract's answer.. :] I've never actually seen an english spot before though so I had no idea that was the kind you probably have..

  2. he could be a mix between a giant and an english rabbit,he certainly has the characteristics of them.he looks exactly like my old english rabbit but is defo some sort of giant breed.cover all the cords possible and keep a careful eye on him.x

  3. the breed is,from my guess,is an english spot.though i think there might me a bit of dutch there.

    this is an english spot:

    big likeness,huh?

    also,do not tolerate him eating wires.if you want,just give him apple stems which they enjoy to chew.cords have plastic on them,right?so if the rabbit will eat the cords,they'll also eat the plastic.which may cause to their death.

    do not let him do that is dangerous.give him chew toys instead.they are safer and more nutritional that cords.

    best of wishes!

    EDIT:i don't see a "lop" breed there....this is a french lop they are talking about... any lop in yours?i don't think so...

  4. French lop, maybe?

    He needs a bigger cage. =(

    And he chews it because he can. You need to supervise him better- he doesn't know it's bad to chew it.

  5. mini lop?

    and you need to cover your cords. i got some stuff at auto zone that covers them up

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