
Why does my rabbit shed like crazy only when he's being held or petted?

by  |  earlier

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so ya, i have a brown rex and he's the most curious and loving bunny around! Well, the only problem i have is that the only time he actually sheds is when i'm holding him or petting him.. I have no clue why!! I know he's not scared when I hold him because his heartbeat is very calm.. if he were scared he'd be shaking a lot! but ya.

he sheds like crazy when i'm petting or holding him!! why???




  1. Almost all fur bearing animals shed at least once a year,he is probably shedding to get his winter coat.Just brush him gently like you would a dog.If it lasts more than a month check his diet might need some vitimins or more greens,

  2. rabbits shed four times a year, two heavy sheds, and two light sheds.  this is typically the time they go thru a heavier shed.  you need to groom him more often during the shedding season, probably every 2-3 days should be good for a rex.  

    also, be cautious b/c too much ingested fur and too little fiber (like in hay) can lead to an intestinal blockage called GI Stasis, this can and will result in death if not treated by an exotic vet.  if you notice your bunny not eating and/or pooping for 12-24 hours, contact your vet immediately.

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