
Why does my rat sleep on his head

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering, surely it can't be comfortable? Hehe. :)




  1. Its a protective thing so that he wont get harmed if prey comes. it makes him feel safe

  2. Maybe.....hes totally retarded. Who knows.

  3. it makes him feel safer. rats are very protective

  4. Rats seem to enjoy the dark, and being surrounded by lots of bedding when they sleep.

    Rats can be cute and very nice. But a word of warning my brother had rats once and he forgot to feed them for a few days. One rat killed and ate the other one. They have a ruthless survival instinct no matter how cute they look.    

  5. I think their are probably a couple of reasons why he curls into a ball like that. One is to block out light like you said, another would be to keep his ears and nose warm. When your head is cold, the rest of you is too, so this is a good way for them to keep warm. Also, I'm sure it is comfortable for them, or they wouldn't do it. I had two hampsters once, and they both slept like this.

    As far as sleeping up high, it's as others have said, they like to be up off the ground because it makes them feel safe. If you had some sort of tower with a box on it up toward the top of the cage, they would sleep in there because it would be up high and block out light and provide warmth too. They would love that. Most pets of the rodent family like to have that kind of sleeping place.

    I hope this was helpful. Good luck with your rats.

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