
Why does my right eye keep twitching?

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OK so pretty much this entire semester from January to May, my right eye has had a constant pattern of annoying twitching. I think it may have been due to stress but it has been driving me crazy & now that my final exams are finally over (thank GOD!), it is still persisting! Can anyone pleeease help me stop the twitching?




  1. Causes include: increase/decrease in caffeine intake, increase/decrease in sleep, and of course, stress.  One possible treatment is to try taking an oral antihistamine, like generic Zyrtec (it's not too expensive) which apparently has an effect on the receptors that make your eyes twitch.  If it is actually something that others can see and is noticable and persistent, see an opthalmologist and see if you can get Botox injections..actually a treatment for lid twitch (blepharospasm).  Hope that helps!

  2. This is called myokymia.  Stress is a known causative factor.  Others, anecdotally, are lack of sleep, too much caffeine, low potassium.  Generally the condition is self-limiting, meaning it will resolve on its own, but it may take several months to do so.  An anecdotal treatment is to drink tonic water as the quinine in it may help reduce the twitch.  There really is no medical treatment.  Botulinum toxin is used only in the worst cases of blepharospasm which are violent, forceful blinks.  Hope this helps

  3. stress but cold or heat on it like a heating pad

  4. "eye twitch" question search returns 2,330 hits: there's a lot of it about.

    Yes, basically stress and fatigue so "cultivate a more relaxed lifestyle" is the right answer that's likely to get you hit if you say it smugly.   Reality doesn't always allow...

    In some people there is an association with marginally low potassium levels.  Try drinking fresh tomato juice or eating bananas.

  5. It's generally due to stress and anxiety or being over-tired. Your exams may be done but your body and mind are still in gear from school. Try to ignore it the best you can and rest and relax. It will stop. Mine did the same thing for months; it was incredibly annoying. But once I was well rested and somewhat stress free it stopped. good luck.

  6. this is stress, dont worry about it, it will go away in time

  7. It is stress. My daughter's each had my eye twitching yesterday. I think it is crazy that it is always the right eye. (another answers question).

    I trying deep breathing and mantras when mine does it. Yoga helps too. (repeating "Hear the wave, see the wave, be the wave" usually works for me.)("relax, release, renew" does too).

  8. Mine does the same thing -except it's my left eye.

    I'm told it is stress-related.

    Mine's been doing it for several years, I'm sorry to say. There doesn't seem to be a way to stop it other than to avoid stress - which hardly seems possible.

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