
Why does my root canal hurts? real dentist plase answer this!?

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my root canal was done about 5 to 6 months ago and the nerve is dead but when i tap it it still hurts......

i would like it if a real dentist answers this




  1. heres your problem, the dentist that did your rootcanal dint get the whole root out and it got infected(what little root was left), he probably left 1-2 mm there and if he takes and x-ray he can see his problem, what he is going to do is open it back up and go down deeper than before.

  2. Even though you had a root canal and the nerve is now gone, you can still have pain.  Especially to pressure.  There are ligaments that hold the tooth in the bony socket in which the tooth sits.  These ligaments still have nerves.  A root canal just removes the nerve inside the tooth.  Pain when tapping on a root canal treated tooth is usually due to the occlusion of the tooth needing adjustment.  That means the tooth is not hitting the opposing tooth the way it should.  When your bite is off and you are hitting that tooth in ways it is not used to, the ligaments around the tooth become strained and inflamed and you will be sensitive to pressure.  Once the tooth is adjusted, the pressure sensitivity usually goes away after a week.

  3. It's possible that the root canal is failing.  On the other hand, it is not uncommon for teeth that have had root canals to have symptoms from time to time.  

    If it does hurt when you tap/chew, you probably should have the root canal tooth rechecked.  Was the tooth properly restored after the root canal?  If it was a back tooth, it most likely needed a crown.

    If it was restored, even well done root canals can fail.  Sometimes there are accessory canals that cause problems that can't be filled, there may be an extra canal in the tooth, or the tooth or root may even be fractured.

    These things are virtually impossible to determine without an xray/exam, so have the dentist who did the root canal (or your normal dentist if they are not the same person) check it out.

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