
Why does my root canal still hurts?

by Guest10914  |  earlier

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it doesnt hurt as much but it still does.....i dont feel the cold or hot on this tooth (front upper tooth) because its dead but when i tap it still hurts its been like 5 to 7 months now.




  1. heres your problem, the dentist that did your rootcanal dint get the whole root out and it got infected(what little root was left), he probably left 1-2 mm there and if he takes and x-ray he can see his problem, what he is going to do is open it back up and go down deeper than before.

  2. Call for a follow up visit and let the dentist ck it out.

  3. Mine too.  I don't know if it's normal or not, but mine feels exactly the same.  I'm anxious to see what answers your recieve.

  4. when the dentist did your root canel he probably went to far and hit a nerve or did it on the wrong tooth

  5. well, i'm no expert, but have had one of these before so i might be able to help you, make sure and check its not a different tooth thats hurting, i made that mistake once and put some filling in the wrong tooth, if thats not it, maybe its the gum thats hurting, and if its not that, then your dentist must not have gotten all the decay out the roots, which could be a major problem if you dont get it checked out soon, trust me i know, cuz it can start to really hurt later......

  6. Don't know for sure but it sounds like your dentist didn't get all of the nerve out. The tooth should be dead, no feeling at all.

  7. Root canal still hurt because there may still be an infection.... or just a lil soreness from the hand files going all the way to the root of the tooth.. deep in the canal.... also your bite may be a little high

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