
Why does my sbcyahoo browser home page have ads now?

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The My Yahoo page I have always had now has an ad in the right this new? Can I make it go away?




  1. Because Yahoo charges for the advertising by the number of hits on their website.  That way they can afford to provide you the service without having to charge you for it.

    That is the same dang reason the chat rooms are full of p**n bots.  If they wanted to clean up the chat rooms, they would have you periodically log by typing the letter or number graphic displayed by a .bmp file that has altered the text so that it can not be read by OCR software.

    Charge the pornsites money so their bots can adverise their pron sites and get rich...  or should I make it difficult for them and lose revenue.... Hmmmmmmmmmm. Let me think on that one.

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