
Why does my school counselor hate me?

by  |  earlier

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she lied to me about two times today, and everytime I try to talk to her at school, she doesn't really help me with anything. I wanted to talk to her about a schedule change, and she said,"go fill out a form and turn it into the front." and so I did, and now she said she can't because the class is full. the class wasn't full last week when I filled it out, and she didn't even want to talk to me about it when I needed help. and I can't switch counselors, because we have them assigned to us by our last names. I think she hates me, but why?




  1. You should go to your school principal and explain that you think your counselor isn't being very helpful.  As a counselor, they are supposed to help you and guide you through school.  That's their job.  Maybe you can also request re-assignment to a counselor who will be more willing to hear what you have to say rather than being so impersonal.

  2. Um maybe you did something. OMG i feel soooo bad for you, having a bad counselour is not helping cuz a counselour is the one to help u!!! Well try to like um, maybe talk to the principal? Like go to the front and ask to see the principal and make an a ppointment, hope this helped!

  3. She doesn't hate you. Counselors are very busy at this time of the year. Do you think you are the only person asking her for help? She has to take care of the requests as they come up. She does not have an easy job. Try to be more understanding.

  4. Change to other counselors.

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