
Why does my seven week old cry when I'm around?

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She just started daycare last week and they keep telling me how good she is for them, that she never cries, and I find it hard to believe. I'll admit she's getting better the older she gets but she still cries a lot around me. She usually will stop when I pick her up unless she's hungry. She doesn't do this to anyone else. My mother took her to the store yesterday and I met up with her an hour later. Up until I got there she was fine, but as soon as I started talking she started crying. It doesn't make sense because I don't hold her all the time. I feed her, change her, and play with her but I'm not constantly cradling her. I'm worried I'm doing something wrong but is this just an attachment issue where if she knows I'm around she is going to cry? I'm a little embarrassed out in public... help?




  1. First of all, don't be embarassed.  Babies cry and strangers can just get over it.  And yes, it sounds like an attachment issue.  Its okay to hold your baby and play with her.  Just try not to do it constantly.  She is at an age where kids start to get VERRRY attached.  My son has been like that toward his father since about 8 mos. old.  Its perfectly normal.

  2. We call it communication.

    You aren't hearing poetry

    or philosophy because an

    untutored mind employs

    what it knows best.  Keep

    talking.  Be the role model.

  3. Perhaps she wants all your attention because you are such a good mummy. She is not interested in anyone else, only you - because she loves you. You are not doing anything wrong. As she gets older and realizes that you are always going to be there for her, she will calm down. You have nothing to be embarrassed about, it is completely normal for babies to cry.  

  4. she just got used to you picking her up and now wants you to do that more and more, definetly an attachment issue try putting her on the floor instead of picking her up and lay there with her, talk to her. it'll take time for her to get over it. my daughter did the same  

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