
Why does my seven year old sister suddenly act nasty towards me when we've just left her friends house?

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She could have had the time of her life at her friends house and she quite happilly says good bye to her friend, but as soon as we are outside her friends house she literally changes. She will glare at me and hiss out that she hates me, kick me as hard as she can in the shin and run towards the road. She does the same thing with my mum and dad. She did the same thing ten minutes ago when we just got home from her schools P&C meeting. She's spiteful, rude, sulky and aggressive. She doesn't seem at all affected that we've left the P&C, but she is not normally like this. I'm so confused on what's going on with her and how to deal with it.

Does anyone else have this problem with their kids? Thank you for your time.





  1. most epople dont want to hear this, but she is seven years old, and for that 7 years your parents probably never discipline her...discipline is a VERY important part of raising a child..

    also she could be going through a hard time at school, what you have to do is show her that you ARE the elder, and she WILL respect you, if it comes to it bring out a paddle, something that if used unough will trigger in her mind and let her know that what shes about to do could ghet her punished. talk to your parents too. and talk to your sister most importantly, ask her what has been going on at school, or what goes on at her friends house, who knows her friend could have a toy that she wants, and when she leaves she gets pissed that she cant play with it anymore, or bring it home, its  a number of reasons. you need to talk to her..


  3. somethings bugging her either emotionally or physically try and talk to her when shes calm or try and see if anyone one or thing is bothering her but dont go to deep

  4. When my 6 year old comes home from playing she often comes home with an attitude and talks rudely (until i pull her into line), I put it down to sulking that playtime has ended and its not fun coming in for dinner, homework and bathtime etc. She certainly doesnt kick or proclaim to hate anyone, but she can get grumpy. I think your mum and dad need to nip it in the bud and give her some kind of discipline for acting out like this.

  5. This sounds like a situation for professional advice. I would recommend speaking to a school counselor about this.

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