
Why does my sims2 game continue to crash?

by  |  earlier

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okay,i go to make a family and it works,then i put them in the house i want,but when i start to put things in the house,the music on,messes up and i see a alert bar saying"this application will now terminate".why does it do that? is it the custom music? or the stuff i downloaded?




  1. because your game is not compatible with your computer at all  :)ava06

  2. its maybe cause er pc is slow btw check this site out at this is a great site wich u can earn points and redeem prizes you want like MapleStory Nexon Cards, PC Games, PS3 Console, Wii System & Points Card, XBox 360 Games & Much More!! by just completeing surveys if you dont believe  me, just sign up and read the Testimonials.

  3. Try playing without the music, and if that doesn't work then try lowering the graphic settings in the game. I doubt it's the stuff you downloaded, but if you're feeling desperate you could always try reinstalling the entire game. You could also try updating your drivers in your computer.

    Hope this helped!

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