
Why does my six month old do this?

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My six month old will cry and scream because he is tired. As soon as he starts to look a little bit tired I will try to get him to go to sleep because I don't want him overtired but he just acts like he doesn't want to go to to sleep. I rocked him for a half an hr and he just closed his eyes for about 5 min I thought he was actually going to sleep but then he opened them again and started screaming again because he himself pulled his binky out of his mouth. I tried to put it back in but it was to late and he just screamed. So finally I just gave in and put him in his toy saucer thing. He cried for like 30 seconds when I put him in there then he just started playing. Why did he do that and does anyone else have somewhat same experience as I'm going through? I know he wasn't hungry because he just ate like an hr ago. I even tried to change his diaper and get him naked (just down to his diaper) to see if he was hot. And he does this a lot it's not just like a one time thing.




  1. There could be many reasons for his crying.

    He could be teething

    could have gas

    do you nurse or bottle feed? if you nurse, are you eating something causing the baby to have gas?

    he could be colic

    be careful not to form a habit with the child of rocking for lengthy periods

  2. Chances are hes being overstimulated.  When its his nap time you should try making sure hes dry and fed 30 mins before hand.  Lay him in his crib turn out the light and play some soothing music.  Nothing with words, just just sounds.  The one that sounds like oceans are great for this.  If hes cries thats ok.  He will get use to a nap time rutine and will catch on to it.  If you want to rock him thats great, just do it before his nap time.  Nap time should be quiet with nothing to stimulate him.  NO toys or stuffed animals in the crib.  Just his blanket.  I hope this helps.  Good luck and God Bless  

  3. he's just being a typical baby - they all cry for what seems like no reason and wont sleep when you want them to - they grow out of it eventualy but until then be prepared for sleepless nights....and days! :)

  4. i rememeber those days . my son did that to . we listed it as trying to fight sleep . he would go to sleep in my arms and as soon as he was laid down he wake up and start plying again . he's outgrown that stage , at least for now . when he did do that , all i could do was hold him and try t get him calmed down . eventually he would go off for his nap or bedtime . promise it does get better , just hang in there

  5. its a power thing take him to his bed and put him in it let him cry to sleep he is trying to control you yes i went through it he is now 10 mo. old and goes to bed on his own you will have to just make him he will cry but if you don't do it now it will go on for ever

  6. Sometimes they just get overtired. Do yourself a favor and watch the clock. See what his intervals of awake time are and try to put him down BEFORE he seems tired (my daughter is 5 months old and goes about 1.5-2.5 hours before a nap). 5-10 minutes one way or the other and she won't go to sleep.  Also I find that sometimes my presence provides too much stimulation and if I'm not there, she'll turn her head and go to sleep within 10 or so minutes. Another thing that a friend got me to try, and it works when she's not too overtired, is just gently stoking from the top of her head down the side of her face over her eye(s) while rocking and singing a lullaby or quietly talk to her - it gets her to close her eyes and sometimes relax enough to fall asleep.  

  7. I feel ya! Daddy is in the bedroom right now trying to appease a certain someone who is desperate for a nap, but flails around and screams even though he is tired.... and even though he is always caught as soon as he starts getting there. The world is just too exciting and there is just too much fun stuff to be done. I think that's what it all boils down to. ;)

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