
Why does my skin get all wrinkly after I get out of the bath?

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Why is my skin always wrinkly like my grandma after I'm in water? I mean, not all of my skin, but just my fingertips.




  1. I happens to everyone.

    Cause you stay in the bath too long.

  2. i yahoo'd 'bathtub skin' and got this;

    There are various theories of why fingers and toes wrinkle in water. Most biologists suggest that the tough outer layer of skin made up of dead keratin cells is responsible. Keratin is a protein found in hair, nails, and the outermost layer of our skin.

    Our skin is made up of three layers:

    The subcutaneous tissue is the deepest layer. It contains fats and connective tissue along with large blood vessels and nerves.

    The dermis is the middle layer. It contains the blood vessels, nerves, hair roots, and sweat glands.

    The epidermis is the topmost layer. It helps to prevent evaporation of water from the body and to protect the internal layers from harm.

    The epidermis is made up of four layers:

    the stratum corneum

    granular layer

    squamous cell layer

    and basal cell layer

    The stratum corneum is the outer layer of our skin - the part that we can see and feel. This is the layer with the dead keratin cells.

    While a person is in the pool or a bathtub for a long time, the dead keratin cells absorb water. This absorption causes the surface area of the skin to swell, but the outer layer is tightly attached to the living tissue. So, to compensate for the increased surface area, our skin wrinkles.

    So why does this happen to hands and feet and not to other parts of the body? Because the hands and feet have the thickest layer of dead keratin cells. Our hands and feet are subjected to a lot of wear and tear. Imagine if the palm of our hands had skin as thin as that on our backs. No fun playing basketball with skin that thin!

  3. okay...the reason that such a thing happens is because maybe you spend too much time taking a shower. You dont need to worry about it, thats a normal thing to happen.

  4. ok... instead of reading all that stuff the other persun rote...

    on your skin there is a type of oil that stops the skin from drying up. When you was your hands, all the oil gets washed off and makes your skin wrinkly.

    don't worry... it happens to everyone =]

  5. That happens to everyone. Not just you.  

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