
Why does my son do this??

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My 4 (almost 5) year old son continually messes with his p***s. He has been doing this for several months now and I have tried everything to get him to stop. He does this out in public and even at preschool now. I don't know what to do. He tells me that it itches, but there is no rash on or around it. And he drinks water, no soda, so I know that its not a UTI. I have tried just plain baby powder after he gets out of the bath tub. I have tried briefs, boxer briefs, and boxers, and no matter what kind of underwear it is, he still does it. I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions on how to fix this "habit" of his!! Thanks in advance!!




  1. maybe go to the doctors and have a check...

  2. Maybe it's because your a hippy? All boys do, I walked around the house nude till I was 12.

  3. I have girls...But, just yesterday I was with a group of Moms who were all talking about their boys habbits of going down there. Even in public. It sounds like it is very common. They had a lot of stories to share.  

  4. Jeans are not good for this sensitive area.

  5. You might want to take him to his pediatrician, because he really might have a UTI even though you are having him drink water only. Little kids get these more than people think! Baby powder is actually not good to put in their genital area either, doctors have stopped recommending that. I would definitely check with his doctor and make sure there isn't an UTI!

  6. Could it be an allergy reaction? Make sure he's not allergic to anything- take your son to the doctors office and get him tested, or ask the doctors what might be up.

    If things get serious, you might want to cuff his hands for 28 days to break his habit... if you're desperate.

    Good luck!! :)

  7. chop it off XD

  8. Well I would take him to a dr and see if he has any type of infection, if he doesn't he could be learning this from someone at school so I would suggest letting the teacher know and maybe she can talk to all of the students parents about it. Because children do repeat everything they see, but little boys are also very interested in finding out what is down there. If he continues to do this, I think you should create some kind of discipline that won't hurt him in the future pyschological. Maybe tell him if he plays with his private parts the cops will come get him or that Santa won't bring him as many presents. Something to make him not want to do this, I've heard people tell their children "it will fall off if you dont stop"

  9. maby he got crabs take him to the doctor  

  10. he is a boy.  he will do this for the next 80 years.

  11. he can do this for several reasons. first because it feels good . second because after he goes to the bathroom he puts it back in his pants then dibbles in his underwear and that is why he itches. and three, if he has never seen a naked male before just you and or other girls, then he could be wondering why he has something between his legs and no one else does.

  12. take him to the doctor.

  13. It could still be a UTI especially if he takes bubble baths.  I would have the pediatrician take a look just to be sure.  Also could be a yeast infection inside, males don't always show signs of an infection outside.  Baby powder can cause UTI's and yeast infections as well in males and females.  First I would talk to the pediatrician then go from there.  

  14. Have you switched lanudry detergents in the last few months? Maybe he's just getting a reaction from the detergent on his underwear rubbing up on his privates. If not I would definetly take him to his pediatrition to get it checked out. I know boys do like to explore that area a lot but if he's complaining that it itches than their might be some sort of infection.

  15. Well, little kids are little kids. They are not so concerned with the judgement of society. (-:

    As for the itching thing, the genital area is pretty sensitive on a normal person, so just because he does not have any visible signs of an itch does not mean there is no itch. He could actually be a naturally sensitive person and feel little thing, like itches, worse than other people. I happen to be very sensitive and many lotions, soaps, etc. cause my skin to feel extremely ichy (sometimes burning) even though I am not prone to rashes. I also get itchy if I do not wash myself enough (or too much).

    My advise would be to keep trying to remind him not to do that in public so that he will not have to takle that habbit later on in life. Definately try Hydrocordisone cream or ointment (which stays on longer) to relieve the itching and make sure he bathes regularly (every other day should be fine).

  16. Take him to a doctor to rule out infection, but seriously, boys just do this.  My 4-year-old spends half his day with his hand down his pants.  I know he'll stop once he gets into school and gets made fun of for it, so I'm not too worried.  But definitely get it checked, he could have a UTI even though he drinks just water.  Not peeing often enough causes UTI's, not just drinking soda.

  17. I beleive males play with them their entire life!! My sons use to get erections, even as babies. When they were little they were not embarrased to tell anyone if they "had a big one"!!  Wish I had a dime for everytime we said "don't play with your wiggler". Now I have a 13 yr old that is in the bathroom alot!! My 9 yr old isn't quite as focused on his these days. I'm sure that will change in a couple years.

  18. considering i was totally depressed all day and all night reading your post made me laugh, thats pretty funny.. LOL maybe he found a hobby in wanking himself

  19. My 3 year old has an obession with his p***s too.  Instead of saying it itches, he tells me its broke :)  I asked the doctor about this and she told me this is completely normal.  Dont punish him when he does it but do explain that he can only "play with his p***s" (you can reword that as you wish - I cant think of another way right now) in private and not in public.  I still would have a doctor just make sure that there isnt something else going on, but it sounds like something all boys do at that age.

    Good Luck!

  20. try an anti itch powder or ointment.

  21. every time he doses it put something in his hands or hold them. try to have him not think about it and don't say anything about it to him cause most boys do it.  

  22. Maybe he's not used to being out of diaper. There's a lot of kids under the age of 5 has that problem from switching from disposable diapers  to any types of cotton underwear. I think cotton irritates him. I think switching him to any silk underwears might help.

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