
Why does my sperm smell so lie?

by Guest11009  |  earlier

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I've heard of some guys smelling bad, but mine smells like some kind of fruit or candy lol. I even had good comments from girls. But Im wondering why this is. It's been like this for the past year.




  1. Probably because u ate lots of sugar...

  2. it's b/c of the foods you eat that it smells good. also, the types of food you eat depends on the taste of it too. how does it taste? (btw... it would prob. b g*y if u tasted ur own *** so get a girl to do it)  

  3. could be what you eat... <3

  4. yea your lucky mine smells like Pool Chemicals. SICK!

  5. s***n is full of fructose (sugar) your diet is probably full of fruits. Thats whats makin it taste/smell good. What makes it smell/ taste bad is high amounts of protein in your diet.

  6. The foods you eat reflect the taste of your bodily fluids, do not eat asparagus, makes your sperm taste awfull.  Eat pineapple to stay sweet.  

  7. Sperm smell and taste is changed by foods that you eat. If you eat alot of sugar or you are a diabetic it smells sweet like you described.

  8. Different from mine. Mine smells a lot like chlorine from a pool.

  9. Mine tastes like whipped cream. Then when I get it on too hard and blood comes out, it looks like my girl has a strawberry sundae in her mouth. :)

  10. Maybe it the food your eating. Did you change your eating habits the past year.

  11. It definitely depends on what you eat.  Plus smell and taste can be very similar.

    Check this site out!

    Hopefully I was of some help!

  12. I am sure it does.  

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