
Why does my step dad only acknowledge my existence when my moms home?

by  |  earlier

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Iv'e done nothing to him. I say hi to him when i get home. I try talking to him. I buy him presents on his birthday/chrismas

he's allways rude to me and expects things from me i cant do.

The only time hes nice to me is when my moms home.

why is he like this?




  1. He doesn't want your mother to know how he really is. He is putting on an act for her. It has nothing to do with you and what you have done or haven't done. He probably really just didn't want a stepkid but doesn't want your mom to know. Some stepparents are that way. I had a horrible stepparent too.

  2. I think hes doing it for your mums sake.

    I wouldn't put up with this at all.

    Speak to your mum, and tell her what exactly is going off and how you feel.


  3. He sounds like a right d*ck.

    Tell your mum, She needs to talk to him about this.

    If it doesnt stop, Forget about him. Dont let him bother you, He is a childish inmature d*ck who needs to learn some manners, And he expects more from you?


  4. Because your a stepchild.

  5. It sounds like he is putting on a show for your mom. Obviously there is a problem there. Have you tried talking to him or your mom to find out what is going on?

    I'm a stepmom. It's kind of hard. I have a good relationship with my stepkids but sometimes I do feel awkward with them. Does he have kids of his own?  I don't. If he doesn't then that could be a factor too. Some adults don't care for children. I do. I grew up babysitting and was a camp counselor.

    You sound great to me. How long has he been in your life?

    He might need to let his guard down.

    Try talking to him or your mom. Communication is the way to resolve this.

    edit: What does he expect from you? I don't understand the rudeness. Could it be that you are extra sensitive? Just asking. Some people I've met just come off that way but actually aren't trying to be rude. It's just how they are.

    If he asks you to do something or expects something you can't do then speak calmly and say why you can't.

    I have worked with difficult people quite often. You can win them over. But it takes time and honest communication. Sometimes it is well worth the effort. I have found that to be true. But sometimes you realize what a jerk he or she is and you just don't bother but at least you tried.

    Talk to mom. She may be able to help.

  6. He's prolly just trying to keep the peace for your mom, try ignoring him a little bit more + he might start to realize you've noticed he's not acting to great to you + he might change

    Good Luck =)

  7. cause he doesn't cae about you and is only putting on a show for you.

    that is a shame and he is a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;...

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