
Why does my stomach growl?

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I know it's because it's empty.. i think. But, it only does it when I'm at school.. not when I'm at home. Even when I eat a big breakfast before school it doesn't help, and I only go to school for about 3 hours!! I think it might be because I'm nervous around people in general.. but it's embarrassing when it's all quiet and then my stomach lets out a huge growl. How can I get it to stop..or simmer down? lol.




  1. It's not because you are hungry.

    It's not because you are nervous.

    It's because your bowls are moving, through your body.  

  2. Sometimes your stomach growls when you're digesting food to, maybe try drinking some water so you can have something in your belly.  

  3. Try and be more comfortable around the people in your classes, get to know them.

    Your stomach simply wants you to be friends with them so you can feed it their food.

  4. its acid. eat a saltine/nuts anything non citrus b4 class

  5. Eat a snack

  6. Try farting you will feel better I promise!!!!!!!

  7. If you relax around them it might calm down a bit. I would take a bottle of water with you and when you feel it acting up drink a little and see if that helps. Chewing gum might help you relax and unstress around them so therefore would help your tummy maybe be quiet.

  8. cause the stomach acids dont have anything to work on to breakdown. The acid is working on air vapour in your stomach.

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