
Why does my stomach hurt in the morning ?

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Everytime in the morning i would have a hard time taking a sh*t

But when A-Period comes my stomach decides to be an assho*le, i cant ask my teacher to use the bathroom becuz its one of the school rules (not letting anyone out during class time). So this only happens in the morning , i would have like major diarrhea in the morning . Is there something wrong with me ?




  1. Ask a certificate note of your doctor the school has to obey this and then you can go without a problem.Avoid this in time of a exam because then not every teacher will grant you permission but medical wise they still have to.

  2. I suggest that you go to the doctor.

    And ask for a note.

    So you can use the restroom.

    I also agree with the stupid rules at school.

    One time, my noise was bleeding...

    Teacher wouldn't let me use the restroom.

    So, I was just there, sitting, waiting for my noise to stop bleeding.

    And Im like bleeding on the desk.

    Teacher yell at me to clean it up.

    Other kids were like, ''What is this teacher's problem?!?!?!''

    So, I seriously don't like the school rules.

  3. yes go see a DC.before you sh.t on your self in school

  4. Hmm, perhaps you're eating too late at night so you may have indigestion and therefore the body is trying to pass the undigested food, which explains why you're having the diarrhea sometimes. If you're eating too late at night then you're definitely gonna have that problem, if that's not the case then you must be either sleeping improperly at night, or eating something that you're allergic to. If its something that's been happening for more than a week or so, then you should go see a doctor, just to be safe.  

  5. i know someone with these symtoms, sounds to me as though you have a little bit of irritable bowel syndrome. It wont kill you or anything, you should go to the doctors and get it checked out incase it's anything more serious, where as if it is irritable bowel they'll give you something to treat it..

  6. Specifically there is one symptom in particular that is often indicative of a Kidney and Spleen Yang deficiency. We call it "c**k's Crow Diarrhea." No, it isn't a bowel movement that sounds like a c**k's crow, but rather it is early morning diarrhea. The name comes from the fact that c***s crow in the early morning. Not something you'd know off hand, unless you lived in a place where there was a c**k near your bathroom window, I guess.

    Besides the early morning diarrhea, you'll find other symptoms of coldness in the body such as cold hands and feet, chronic low back pain, frequent urination and low libido or impotence.

    This is a form of IBS.

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