
Why does my stomach make such horrible sounds in such quite places?

by  |  earlier

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everytime im in a quite room my stomach makes the loudest most embarassing noises. im about to start school soon and im so scared that it will happen in all of my classes. please help




  1. Your stomach is actually making these same noises most of the time.  The only difference is when it's quiet it's noticeable.  There are mainly two causes.  A full stomach after a meal and an empty stomach when you are hungry.  The trick is to find a happy medium.  Try to eat at least 45 minutes before expecting to be in a 'quiet' setting.  This gives your stomach time to digest but not too much time to get hungry again.

  2. if you're not talking about hunger rumblings, then it's most likely gas or bowel movements.   i asked a doctor about this once.

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