
Why does my stupid f****** computer...? PLEASE HELP?

by  |  earlier

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Ok. I bought a sony vaio about a year and a half ago (not my idea. I tried to talk my dad into an hp which was much better for the same price, but noo..) UGH why don't parents ever listen :( anyway, it crashed 3 times, had corrupt software and was *** slow as h**l (i mean slow.) Now we put two gigs of ram in it and it is still not that fast. the battery only lasts 8 minutes (record time) avg time 4.25 then . minutes). Now my friends and i had an end of the summer party at my house, and my dad got some good video of my friend dumping a bucket of water on my other friends head (very funny) and i wanted to make a movie on windows movie maker with that video and some credits on the end, e mail it to everyone and put it on youtube, but the AWESOME.. sony couldn't open movie maker.... Them i ut the video on a flash drive and downloaded it onto an 8 year old computer running xp pro with 128 megabytes of ram and man that computer is hella fast. You click something, boom it's there. So i made the movie perfectly with no delay, nothing. Why is this, the version of movie maker is the same, but the video card in the 8 year old computer is so much older. it seems that the dell is WAY better that my other comp. WHY is this?

oh, the sony also can't play games that the other computer can???

i didn't put like a really good video card in the old one, its the same one we got it with





  1. It sounds like you got a dud computer.  Sony does make really great computers.  Dell makes awesome ones too.  My advice is, if your computer is still under the warranty,  take it back or send it back to Sony and explain the problem to them, and make them fix it or replace it.  If your laptop is Not still under warranty, then the only thing you can do is take it elsewhere or send it to Sony and get it repaired if possible.  Of course, you will probably have to pay for the repairs.  Also, another thing you can do  is go to the Better Business Bureau website and explain to them your problem, but do this Only if Sony or wherever you bought it from does not hold up to the warranty's promisies ( if it is still under warranty, that is).  Well I hope this helps.  I have to say that your question here is much more mature and better than the other dummy questions that I have read and responded to this morning.  Great job!!

  2. It sounds like its broken. You should probably try and have it serviced. They might also be able to fix any viruses.

  3. Check for viruses and new codecs. I support HP, but this problems, IMHO is software.

  4. Get a Mac.Windows sucks.and so does Dell.

  5. First off, don't listen to the guy who said that windows machines suck compared to macs. Windows and Mac machines are both equally good and any choice between the two depends on user preference.

    Anyway, I'd suggest trying to clean up your laptop. It sounds like it god infected badly. If there's anything on there you want saved, get it off there and attempt a reformat of the laptop. If you know someone who is knowledgeable about computers, ask him for assistance.

  6. Yep it is a virus or malware no way should you be having a problems with speed.  Another thing it is laptop so gaming is almost out of the question.  Most laptops have intagrated chip set video cards that use memory from your ram to run the graphics engines.  So that is kinda set instone unless you have a laptop much newer than a year old.  But someone messed it up try reinstalling windows.  Also make sure you added the correct type of ram.  If you didn't buy the right pin count it will really hurt your comp.

  7. It has a virus its cheap or you did something to it.

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