
Why does my subwoofer buzz when I turn it up?

by  |  earlier

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When I turn the bass and subwoofer up on my head unit, I hear a really annoying buzzing sound. It's not distortion. At first, I though it was a tennis racket vibrating next to the enclosure, but when I took that out it still buzzed. The subwoofer vibrates a lot, I'm not sure if that's normal.

I don't think it should be underpowered because I got a kicker 300 watt sub and amp, both 150 RMS. Is this expected, or did I do something wrong?




  1. you might have the polarities mixed up either inside the sub box or on the amp just double check to make sure the + and - are hooked to the right spots also it might depend on whether you are running your sub in mono or stereo or bridged.also it might be interference from your car if it only buzz's when the car is running then it's in the wiring.and you might just have to reroute your wires.hope some of this helped

  2. i dont know much about this stuff but is it possible you blew out your speaker from playing the music too loud?

  3. to the person above me, if you dont know much about this stuff then why are you in this section answering questions,

    and to you,

    its probably because you blew half of your sub

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