
Why does my sucker fish keeps going behind my filter tube? Please help me ASAP.?

by Guest66967  |  earlier

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My sucker fish keeps on hiding behind my filter tube. i don't know why, please help me. I'm not sure why. so could you guys please help me out.





  1. you can get a small clay flower pot or half of one and put it at the bottom of the tank to create a little cave for it to be comfortable to rest in.  put some gravel there to cover the opening half-way to make it seem like a safe hiding spot for it.  It will love it there

  2. they do not like the light.  they will hide behind the filter tube, beside or under rocks, and driftwood.  driftwood is a must for all plecos.  they are most active at night with the lights off.

    sorry, but they are not a fish that swims around for our pleasure.

  3. They always like to stay in 1 spot smtimes....they probaly just like that spot...don't worry...

  4. most plecos love it when it's dark. if you turn off your light, most of the time, they might come out. if you don't feel very good about having your pleco behind your filter, i would suggest getting some plants for your tank, anywhere from 2-5, fake or real. =) that should do the trick! i have one too, and i have 3 fake plants in my tank and it loves hiding behing them!

  5. The sucker fish is just hiding. Lots of fish do that. You have a shy fish. Eventually, depending on the type, they won't be able to get back there.

  6. Don't worry! This is normal for algae eaters and plecostomuses (sucker fish) because that's where most of their food (algae) grows! They spend most of their times behind filter intakes (the tube), filter outtakes, heaters, and sometimes the wall.

  7. Mine always liked to be hidden if it was not going around cleaning the tank. That may be it if you have other larger fish i the tank.

  8. Sucker fish is also called pleco.

    The common plecostomus is well known as an algae eater and can often be found stuck to the side of your aquarium.

    The Plecos are all twilight animals and are most active at this time. Kept in a well large well planted community aquarium with pieces of driftwood for scraping. A soft substrate is also beneficial as some like to burrow. A diet high in vegetable matter is essential to their health and can be supplemented with Romaine lettuce or boiled spinach. Too much animal matter in the diet can cause digestive problems. They generally leave small fish alone, but occasionally will eat any that present themselves to them. They are hardy and undemanding in the water parameters, but will do best in soft water with a temperature in the mid seventies.

  9. That's where all the goodies are! They go there to get cover and to feed. You can try buying algea discs and feeding them that way, or just let them be where they want to feed on thier own.

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