
Why does my sweet corn have red/burgundy silk?

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I planted sweet corn and it's growing great but the silk is burgundy reddish, it also has a pinkish burgundy color on the actualy stalk. I searched googled and all I found was info about thr ruby queen corn hybrid, but I know that I planted a yellow kernel, any ideas on why the corn is like this? This is my first year gardening so if this is completely normal, then forgive my ignorance.




  1. Sometimes corn will do that depending on your climate and soil, since diffrent soils are richer in diffrent climates they also have diffrent vitamins and nutrients that diffrent plants need some are just more prevalent than others, so yes it is completely normal :) enjoy your corn!! Mine is almost ready to pull =D Yummy!

  2. Most seed available now days is some sort of hybrid.  This means that you may have some left over Ruby Queen or other red corn genetics in your sweet corn.  This probably will not affect the kernels but your cobs may be a bit reddish.  Should still taste great!

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